Hallenvellan (Gwithian)


Small tenement, comprising a large field in the tenement of Tolzethan, in the parish of Gwithian and adjacent to the Red River.

Grid reference: SW 595 417

Chronological Sequence

Hall Envelyn, 1454-5, 1463; Halenvelyn, 1499; Haleanvelyn, 1480; Hallenvellan, 1578, c.1586, c.1590s; Hallenvellen, 1604

Forms by Earliest Occurrence

Hall Envelyn : 1454-5, 1463
Halenvelyn : 1499
Haleanvelyn : 1480
Hallenvellan : 1578, c.1586, c.1590s
Hallenvellen : 1604


Hall Envelyn

Fox and Padel, 2000, p46, citing from CRO, AR/2/900, 1454-5

Pennans Vueer, Hall envelyn & Gargasen

Parcel of the Manor of Conartoun, held by James Hicke.
CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463 (*)

Fox and Padel, 2000, p46, citing from CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463


Meadow in Talseghan, held by Richard Giffra.
Fox and Padel, 2000, p91, citing from CRO, AR/2/1339, 1480

Halenvelyn & Gargasen

Held by William Jamys.
CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499 (*)

Fox and Padel, 2000, p135, citing from CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499

Pennance Vear, Hallenvellan et Gargasen

CRO, AR/2/1342, 1578 (*)

Pennance Veer, Hallenvellan & Gargasen
CRO, AR/2/1343, c.1586 (*)

CRO, AR/2/1344, c.1590s (*)

Penans Veor, Hallenvellen and Gargasen

Parcel of the Manor of Conerton.
CRO, AR/2/1345, 1604 (*)

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