Table of Contents
Ecclesiastical parish: Gwithian. Civil parish: Gwinear-Gwithian.
Tenement, now lost. Historically held with Pennance Veor and Hallenvellan and this fact, together with the earliest form of the place name, suggests that the tenement was named from the Iron Age round at SW 594 409.
Chronological Sequence
Cargassen, 1454-5; Gargasen, 1463, 1499, 1578, c.1586, c.1590s, 1604
Forms by Earliest Occurrence
Cargassen : 1454-5
Gargasen : 1463, 1499, 1578, c.1586, c.1590s, 1604
Fox and Padel, 2000, p46, citing from CRO, AR/2/900, 1454-5
Pennans Vueer, Hall envelyn & Gargasen
Parcel of the Manor of Conartoun, held by James Hicke.
CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p46, citing from CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463
Halenvelyn & Gargasen
Held by William Jamys.
CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p135, citing from CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499
Pennance Vear, Hallenvellan et Gargasen
CRO, AR/2/1342, 1578 (*)
Pennance Veer, Hallenvellan & Gargasen
CRO, AR/2/1343, c.1586 (*)
CRO, AR/2/1344, c.1590s (*)
Penans Veor, Hallenvellen and Gargasen
Parcel of the Manor of Conerton.
CRO, AR/2/1345, 1604