Table of Contents
Small tenement or farm in the parish of Towednack.
Grid reference: SW 499 365
Chronological Sequence
Chiglasan, 1354; Chienglasen, 1463; Chyclasen, 1480; Chyenglasen, 1499; Chienglason, 1571, c.1586, c.1590s; Chienglaso’, 1604; Chylasson, 1679, 1842; Chylason, 1884, 1906; Chylasson, 1907, 1929; Chylason, 1971
Forms by Earliest Occurrence
Chiglasan : 1354
Chienglasen : 1463
Chyclasen : 1480
Chyenglasen : 1499
Chienglason : 1571, c.1586, c.1590s
Chienglaso’ : 1604
Chylasson : 1679, 1842, 1907, 1929
Chylason : 1884, 1906, 1971
Vill, parcel of the Manor of Tregewall
RIC, TAM/1/1/2, 1354 (*)
Amalibri, Nanscludry & Chienglasen
Parcel of the Manor of Conartoun, 2 acres Cornish held in socage by the heir of Nigel de Loryng.
CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p40, citing from CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463
Amalibry, Nanscludry and Chyclasen
2 acres Cornish held in socage by John Broughton.
Fox and Padel, 2000, p86, citing from CRO, AR/2/1339, 1480
Amalibri, Nanscludry & Chyenglasen
2 acres Cornish held in socage by Robert Broughton, knight.
CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p130, citing from CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499
Amalibr’, Nanscludry & Chienglason
CRO, AR/2/1341, 1571 (*)
Amalibr’, Nanscludrye & Chienglason
CRO, AR/2/1343, c.1586 (*)
Amalibri, Nanscludrie & Chienglason
CRO, AR/2/1344, c.1590s (*)
Amalabry, Nanscludey & Chienglaso’
Parcel of the Manor of Conerton.
CRO, AR/2/1345, 1604 (*)
CRO, GB/15/2-3, 1679
CRO, TA/226, 1842
Chylasson Plantation
In Amelveor.
CRO, TA/226, No 970, 1842
Symons, 1884
CRO, CH/34/6, 1906 (*)
CRO, CH/33/9, 1907 (*)
Farm, near Nancledrea, conveyed by Minnie Davies Gilbert, Patience Davies Harding and Commander Walter Raleigh Gilbert to Thomas Henry Eddy, farmer, of Penderleath.
CRO, DG/221, 1929 (*)
Possible site of former menhir.
Russell, 1971, p35