Brea (St Just in Penwith)


Grid reference: SW 378 280

Ecclesiastical parish: St Just in Penwith. Civil parish: St Just.

Numerous tenements or farms and a large hill with remains of a chapel.

Chronological Sequence

Bret, 1086; Bre, 1280; Brea, 1588, 1589, 1591, 1596; Brey, 1699, 1748; Brea, Brêh, 1768; Brea, 1778, 1780, 1790, 1810, 1813, 1814; Brea, Bre, 1816; Brea, 1820, 1823, 1825; Brey, 1826, 1827; Brea, 1830; Brae, 1831; Bray, 1836; Brea, 1838, 1840, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1856, 1884, 1888, 1971, 1985, 2005, 2011

Forms by Earliest Occurrence

Bret : 1086
Bre : 1280, 1816
Brea : 1588, 1589, 1591, 1596, 1768, 1778, 1780, 1790, 1810, 1813, 1814, 1820, 1823, 1825, 1830, 1838, 1840, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1856, 1884, 1888, 1971, 1985, 2005, 2011
Brey : 1699, 1748, 1826, 1827
Brêh : 1768
Brae : 1831
Bray : 1836



Held by Erchenbald. 40 acres. Doda held it before 1066.
James, 1861, plate IX, facsimile of Exchequer DB, f124a, 1086

Thorn, 1979, f124a, citing from Exchequer DB, f124a, 1086

Pool, 1985, p42, citing from DB, 1086

Maxwell, 1986, p5, citing from Exchequer DB, f124a and Exeter DB, f255v, 1086


Pool, 1985, p42, citing from 1280


Taylor, 1917-8, p237, citing from 1588 and 1589

Brea Vaire
Brea Veean

Taylor, 1917-8, p255, citing from 1591

Taylor, 1917-8, p275, citing from 1596


Of Ellis.
Gascoyne, 1699, map and gazetteer

House, of Mr Ellis.
Martyn, 1748, map

Chap(e)l Carn Brey

Martyn, 1748, map

Higher Brea
Lower Brea
Brea Vean

CRO, AD766/2, 1768

Chapel-Carn-Brêh hill

CRO, AD528/15, 1768 (*)

Brea Veor
Brea Vean

RIC, HZ/2/28, 1778 (*)

Carn Brea Hill

48 acres and 7 perches, with chapel shown.
RIC, HZ/2/28, 1778 (*)

Brea Vean

Of Mrs Elizabeth Usticke.
CRO, FS3/652/5, 1778 (*)

Brea Veor
Brea Tene(men)t

Of William Ellis.
CRO, FS3/652/5, 1778 (*)

Higher Brea
Lower Brea
Brea Vean

CRO, AD766/2, 1780

CRO, AD749/6, 1790 and 1810


CRO, P95/1/27, 1813

Brea Vean

CRO, P95/1/5, 1814

Brea Vean

CRO, P95/1/27, 1816


CRO, P95/1/5, 1816


CRO, P95/1/27, 1820

Brea Vean

CRO, P95/1/27, 1823

Brea & Ashmoor
Brea Vean

CRO, AD749/6, 1825

Brey Vean

CRO, P95/1/6, 1826


Greenwood, 1827, map


CRO, P95/1/27, 1830


CRO, P95/1/6, 1831


CRO, P95/1/6, 1836

Brea Vean

CRO, P95/1/28, 1838

CRO, P95/1/7, 1840


CRO, P95/1/7, 1845

Ashmoor and Brea-Veor
Brea Vean

CRO, TA/95, 1845

Brea Vean

CRO, P95/1/7, 1846


CRO, P95/1/28, 1848 and 1856

Brea Veor

2 tenements.
Symons, 1884

Brea Vean

8 tenements.
Symons, 1884

Chapel Carn Brea

Hill and site of ancient chapel.
Symons, 1884

Brea Vean
Brea Downs
Carn Brea

OS, 6”, LXXIII SW, 1888


Site of prehistoric menhir and hut circle.
Russell, 1971, pp32, 50

Chapel Carn Brea

Site of prehistoric burial mounds.
Russell, 1971, p16


Pool, 1985

Brea Farm
OS, 1:25000, 2005

Brea Vean

At SW 376 282.
OS, 1:25000, 2005

Little Brea Farm

At SW 382 286.
OS, 1:25000, 2005

Brea Downs

At SW 378 286.
OS, 1:25000, 2005

Carn Brea

Hill at SW 385 280.
OS, 1:25000, 2005

Chapel Carn Brea

On Carn Brea.
OS, 1:25000, 2005

Brea Farm
Brea Vean
Little Brea Farm
Brea Downs
Carn Brea
Chapel Carn Brea

OS, 1:25000, 2011

Tenements and Field Names in Brea


Field Names

Satellite View

Brea and Brea Vean

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Carn Brea

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