The Bounds of the Parish of St Cleer, 1613

The bonds of the parish there


Imprimis the bonds of the said parish begyn at Hey ford in the East, and so from thence by a litle brooke southward untill it meete wth a litle lake, and so by that lake untill it come to Drakaford, and from thence by the heigh way untill it Comme to Fursdon Crosse, and from thence to fursdon well, and from thence to a litle Lake wch runeth from Meryfield well, and from thence by that lake untill it Come to the loer end of Fursparke adioyning wth the parish of Mynheniott and Liskerd, And from thence by a litle Lake Untill it Come to Culake, adioyning wth the said parish of Liskerd, and from thence by Certen apparent Bondes untill it Come to Tremabe well, and from thence by a certen heidge untill it Come to the kings maties heigh way, parting Trenewth & Tremabe, & from thence by a lane untill it Come to a Close of land called Stonyparke parcell of a Tenemt in Halbathick and from thence by certen heidges untill it Come to a litle bridge called Treworgy Bridge, and from thence by a litle lake untill it come to heighwoode Mill, and from thence by a litle lake untill it come to Pellagennowe well, and from thence by a Certen heidge parting Pellagennowe and Polldue, and from thence to the heigh waye in the south and so Crossing the heigh waye by a certen heidge parting Havock and one Close of land being thenheritance of one Thomas Anstys leading to Bokynnowe Crosse and from thence by the kings heigh waye westward untill it Come to a certen Corner of a heidge in the said heigh waye, & from thence by thesame heidge parting a certen Close of Land in Bokynnowe in the possession of John Eedy one the East, and one Close in Collwyn in the possession of one Thomas Will in the West and so from thence by the same heidge westward compassing the Land of Bockynowe untill it Come to a certen woode Called dobleboyes woode and from thence to Foye water and from thence by the said Ryver northward untill it Come to a place Called Goodaveer adioyning wth the parish of Alternon, and from thence by adedd heidge untill it Come to a litle Lake springing in Smallacomb in the north east, and from thence by that lake north eastward untill it Come to Rassellford yeate, and from thence by the same lake north east ward untill it Come to a litle lake betwene Smallacombe and Trewortha adioyning wth the parish of North hill in the east, and from thence by the same lake eastward untill it Come to Withibrooke adioyning wth the parish of Alter Linckenhorne and from thence by a Certen Combe eastward untill it Come to Two moore stones Called the hurlers,1 and from thence by a heigh way eastward untill it Come to Gonnamana Corner, and from thence by the same way southward untill it Come to a certen Crosse waye adioyning to Bodmyn land adioyning wth the parish of St Ive, and from thence by the bonds of bodmynland untill it Come to Tudycombe Well and from thence by Tudycombe lake untill it Come to Hayforde where it first began as the lands and Lymetts here playnely appeare /

Cornwall Record Office, ARD/TER/167, 1613

Transcribed by Chris Bond, 2005.