Table of Contents
Several tenements or farms in the parish of Lelant.
Grid reference: SW 522 381
Chronological Sequence
Boskeures, Boskerrys, 1463; Boskirris, Boskyures, Boskyrrys, 1480; Boskeures, Boskerrys, 1499; Buskeuryes, 1561; Boskerrys, Boskeures, Boskeurese, 1571; Boskerrys, 1578; Boskerrys, Boskeures, Boskeurese, c.1586, c.1590s; Boskerrys, Boskerres, 1604; Buskirres, 1659; Boskervis, c.1720; Boskervess, 1722; Boskerris, 1725; Boskerres, 1738; Boskerras, 1748; Boskerres, 1749; Boscerres, 1761; Boskerris, 1841; Boskerras, Trewartha, 1884; Boskerris, 1938, 1985; Trewartha, 2005
Forms by Earliest Occurrence
Boskeures : 1463, 1499, 1571, c.1586, c.1590s
Boskerrys : 1463, 1499, 1571, 1578, c.1586, c.1590s, 1604
Boskirris : 1480
Boskyures : 1480
Boskyrrys : 1480
Buskeuryes : 1561
Boskeurese : 1571, c.1586, c.1590s
Boskerres : 1604, 1738, 1749
Buskirres : 1659
Boskervis : c.1720
Boskervess : 1722
Boskerris : 1725, 1841, 1938, 1985
Boskerras : 1748, 1884
Boscerres : 1761
Trewartha : 1884, 2005
Boskeures Wartha
Parcel of the Manor of Conartoun, ½ acre Cornish held by knight’s service by the heir of Nicholas Tremayn.
CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p45, citing from CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463
Boskeures Woles
Parcel of the Manor of Conartoun, ½ acre Cornish held by knight’s service by the heir of John ?Treburgheur.
CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p42, citing from CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463
Parcel of the Manor of Conartoun, parts held by Nicholas Jakgillowe and Stephen Gregor.
CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p48, citing from CRO, AR/2/1337, 1463
Boskyures Wartha
½ acre Cornish held by knight’s service by Thomas Tremayn.
Fox and Padel, 2000, p89, citing from CRO, AR/2/1339, 1480
Boskirris Wolas
1 acre Cornish held by knight’s service by Richard Botreaux de Coisvogherth, sometime of John Trevogherth.
Fox and Padel, 2000, p87, citing from CRO, AR/2/1339, 1480
Boskyrrys Wolas
Parts held by John Jenyn and Stephen Stephen Gregory.
Fox and Padel, 2000, p92, citing from CRO, AR/2/1339, 1480
Boskeures Wartha
½ acre Cornish held by knight’s service by John Tremayn, esquire.
CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p133, citing from CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499
Boskeures Wolas
½ acre Cornish held by knight’s service by the heir of John.
CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p131, citing from CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499
Boskerrys Wolas
Parts held by Thomas Roly and Thomas Symon.
CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499 (*)
Fox and Padel, 2000, p136, citing from CRO, AR/2/1340, 1499
Pool, 1985, p40, citing from 1561
Boskeures Wartha
Boskeurese Wolles
CRO, AR/2/1341, 1571 (*)
CRO, AR/2/1342, 1578 (*)
Boskeures Wartha
Boskeurese Woolles
CRO, AR/2/1343, c.1586 (*)
Boskeures Wartha
Boskeurese Wolles
CRO, AR/2/1344, c.1590s (*)
Boskerrys Wartha
Boskerrys Woollas
Boskerres Woollas
CRO, AR/2/1345, 1604 (*)
Pool, 1985, p40, citing from 1659
Parts held by Simon Geene, James Pinberthy, Robert Thomas and the widdo Grinfill.
CRO, P120/5/1, c.1720 (*)
CRO, P120/5/1, 1722 (*)
Of Simon Geen.
CRO, P120/5/1, 1725 (*)
Parcel of the Manor of Connorton.
CRO, AR/4/204, 1738 (*)
Martyn, 1748, map
CRO, AR/4/205, 1749 (*)
Of Peter Cornow, John Thomas and Henry Hosking.
CRO, P120/5/1, 1761 (*)
Boskerris Wartha
Boskerris Woolas
CRO, TA/120, 1841
Symons, 1884
Boskerris Wartha
At SW 521 379.
OS, 6”, LXVIII NE, 1891
Boskerris Wartha
At SW 522 381.
OS, 6”, LXI NE & SE, 1938
Boskerris Woollas
At SW 526 382.
OS, 6”, LXI NE & SE, 1938
Pool, 1985, p40
At SW 522 381.
OS, 1:25000, 2005